background screening for business Lexington, KY
Background Screening Checks Lexington, KY

Save your agency money with reliable, accurate staffing background and drug screening checks

Your staffing agency is only as good as the employees you place.  That’s why our accurate staffing background and drug screening checks are so important. Our reliable reports help you filter out unqualified applicants and focus on top-quality candidates for more successful staffing. 

Background Screening Lexington, KY

pre-employment screening

Staffing Agency Background Screening Lexington, KY

drug screening

Staffing agency pre-employment background screening and drug screenings have never been so easy to manage

how it works

Background Screening Company Lexington, KY

Step 1

Complete our form below and we’ll be in touch to answer any questions and help you get started. 

Staffing Agency Background Screening Lexington, KY

Step 2

Order your first background or drug screening check. 

Staffing Agency Background Screening Lexington, KY

Step 3

Receive reliable & accurate screenings with the push of a buttton

ready to get started?

Tell us about your company

Please complete the following form to get started. EnCompass will contact you at your desired timeframe.